Wednesday 23 September 2015

An Introduction to Cyber-crime.

Today we had our first lecture of the Globalised and Organised Crime module. Within this lecture we were introduced to our first assignment. It was explained that we were to write a continuous blog over the course of the module developing ideas on, and discussing, an area of cyber-crime of our choice.

For the purpose of this blog I have decided to explore the use of Social Media websites as a platform for Cyber-Crime. As the largest multi-platform social media site, I have chosen to focus predominantly on Facebook. I will address issues such as scams, identity theft and cyber-bullying. As well as this I will address cyber-terrorism and child abuse online, however this will only be brief and select discussion as I am limited by the word count and therefore cannot discuss with too much depth.

The development of social media networks revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. No longer is distance an issue, now at the click of a button it is possible to chat with someone thousands of miles away as if they are sat next to you.

However, the difference is in the anonymity that the internet and social media provides. This aspect is what attracts people to behave criminally, or in such a way that they would not have done in 'real life'. The mask of the internet lowers the inhibitions of many, and provides a sense of power they may otherwise not experience. 

I will be exploring the variety of cyber-crimes committed over these social media types, and attempting to answer questions such as, what type of crime exists over social media? who is affected by these crimes? and can more be done to prevent them?

Overall word count: 2,178

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